Rising Strong: Midlife Burnout & Resilience

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Lisa Boehm

06 February 2024

10m 23s

Mastering Your Mindset: Improving your Mental Health



In this podcast episode, host Lisa delves into the concept of mindset and how it can impact our success and relationships. She shares insights from a peak performance coach and highlights the importance of reframing challenges as opportunities for growth.

By asking the question "Why is this happening for me?" instead of "Why is this happening to me?", we can change the trajectory of our lives and find meaning in our struggles. Lisa also discusses the difference between fixed and growth mindsets and encourages listeners to embrace a beginner's mindset to overcome self-doubt. She shares personal experiences and emphasizes the power of mindset in achieving resilience and personal growth.


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Host/Lisa: Hey there. I'm Lisa, host of the rising strong mental health and resilience podcast. Today we're going to be diving a little bit deeper into the whole concept of mindset. Perhaps you've heard the quote from Henry Ford before are whether you think you can or think you can't, you're absolutely right. Think about that for a moment. Our mindset predetermines our success a lot of the time. It's been said that our mindset is more powerful than our education, our careers, and it can also predetermine our relationships. So why not learn more about it? Learn how to become not only more resilient, but to develop that healthy mindset that will help us in our life's journeys. Now, a lot of the guests that I have had on the show thus far do speak about the importance of mindset, but one person in particular that comes to mind is Joe Alvarez. He's a peak performance coach here in Regina, and he talked about mindset a lot in our interview together. If you haven't listened to that interview yet, I highly recommend that you go back and listen to it. But he talked about the way we look at our challenges, our adversities, the stuff we have to deal with in life. Now, I don't think there's a competition to say that one person's pain or adversity or challenges is worse than the other. Life is stinking hard sometimes. So no matter where you're at, what you're dealing with, what your kids are dealing with, what's happening at work, we've all got stuff. We're all facing adversity of some kind. But the way we think about it is where the power lies. For example, in my interview with Joe, he said, reflecting back on his adversity, on being an addict living on the streets in Montreal, he started to ask himself, why is this happening for me? Not that why is this happening to me, but why is this happening for me? What is the gift inside this struggle? It's hard, trust me. I lost a child. But as time has gone by, I've asked myself that, what can I do with this tragedy? To help other people to grow as a human, to be more compassionate, more kind. And when you look at your struggles like that, why is this happening for me? You change the trajectory of the direction in which you're going now. There is lots and lots of articles and studies and lots of discussion, frankly, around the topic of mindset. Years ago, there was a determination that there are really two main mindsets, fixed and growth and there's a lot more detail to it than what I'm going to share. But in nutshell, a fixed mindset is that which limits us. If I can't do this today, at this moment, I guess I can never do it. Rather than, gosh, I don't know why I did so poorly on this test, but I guess this is telling me that I need to study more, that I need to go and ask the Prof. More questions, that I need to join a study group. There's a message in our mass, but we have to choose to be open to that. Now. I think about a toddler learning how to walk, and I've used this scenario in other episodes, but I just think it's such a classic, right? We've got these innocent little children who are not broken down by self thinking and messages like we do as adults, right? Like a little child who's one six months old. However they are when they're learning how to walk, they stumble, stumble, fall, stumble, fall, stumble, fall, stumble, get up, stumble, fall, hit their head and so on and so forth, but they keep getting up. Whereas if you and I were to try something new, we would quit, most of us, way before a toddler would quit, because we have all of those thoughts and messages and self doubt and self worth and confidence and all these other things which, for the most part, are usually working against us, right? Let me tell you about a story. I'll make it quick. It was years ago. My husband was at a conference at a beautiful ski resort, and I thought, I'm going to learn how to snowboard. I'd only skied my whole life. I'm going to learn how to snowboard. Well, I come from a province where we are landlocked, Saskatchewan. And the fellow that was asking me about my snowboard, I was getting my equipment. He goes, do you surf? At that time, no, I had never surfed. And honestly, I still can't surf. But at that time, I'd never been on a surfboard because he was asking me if, if I snowboarded regular or goofy. I didn't know what he was talking about. By the time I got my equipment, I was convinced, I don't know a thing about this. I am never going to be able to do it. And then to top it off, I got grouped in with 720 year olds from Australia, young guys who literally surfed all the time. And here's a young mom who hasn't been on skis for two years, and I've just gotten frustrated picking out my equipment. And I've got all this self doubt. And before I even got on my board, I was sweating. I was embarrassed. I felt totally out of place, and I'd already convinced myself that I couldn't do this. Guess how that lesson went. The seven surfers from Australia hopped on their board and were at the bottom of the hill before I got up from my first fall. It wasn't pretty, but that is one of the clearest moments in my life where I can think that, on a simple level, mindset really defeated me before I even started. And I think that there are so many examples in our lives. You probably have examples, too, where you wanted to do something. Maybe you signed up for a learn to run program. Maybe you showed up there and you weren't able to run for the first minute or whatever, right? But I think the important thing is that we take a step back and say, okay, today I'm a beginner at this. Those surfers, they were not beginners, right? They might have been new to snowboarding, but they had the skills, the know how, and the youth, frankly, to help them be successful. And I didn't see any self doubt on any of their faces. They were all thinking, this is going to be easy. I'm just going to do this like I was surfing. And that's exactly what they did. They didn't self defeat. But that is my number one takeaway message for you today is let's allow ourselves to be a beginner no matter what we're facing. Maybe you're a new parent. Parenting is hard. You're not going to master it. I don't know if anybody masters it ever, but you're not going to master it in the first week or the first month. Maybe you're starting a new job and things are really uncomfortable. You're a beginner there. It's okay. Maybe you've just lost a child like I have. Eight years ago. I was a beginner then. I do my grief so much differently now. I have learned so much, but I've allowed that learning to happen so that I can keep going. So if you are facing some kind of adversity and you want to apply this beginner open mindset, growth mindset to your challenge, I would love to hear from you. Send me an email at lisa@lisakbaim.com that's Lisak boehm.com. And tell me about it. Let's talk about it. Also, if you are a business, you have a business, and you would like to advertise on my show, which is primarily right now, Saskatchewan people. If you've got a Saskatchewan based business, I would love to promote you on my podcast. Let's chat. Until then, stay well, my friends. Stay well and be resilient, and we'll talk to you next time. Take care. Hey, rising strong listeners. If you've been enjoying the inspiring interviews on the podcast, we'd love your support to help us reach more listeners and hopefully gain some sponsorship. To do that, please, like, follow and subscribe wherever you listen to podcast. And here's a little extra incentive. 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