Rising Strong: Midlife Burnout & Resilience

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Lisa Boehm

11 June 2024

18m 4s

The 5 Signs of Burnout You Need to Know



In today's episode, lisa discusses a topic that resonates with so many of us: burnout. Burnout isn't just limited to the workplace anymore—it can permeate every aspect of our lives, leaving us feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and disconnected. Join us as we explore the five signs of burnout and discuss actionable steps you can take to reclaim your well-being.

What You'll Learn:

  • The evolution of burnout: Learn how burnout has transitioned from a workplace phenomenon to a pervasive issue affecting individuals in all areas of life.
  • The five signs of burnout: Discover the subtle yet powerful indicators that you may be experiencing burnout, from bone-deep exhaustion to a lack of motivation and brain fog.
  • Practical strategies for prevention and recovery: Explore three actionable steps you can take to combat burnout, including defining your core values, prioritizing self-care, and setting boundaries.

Tune in to gain valuable insights and practical tools for recognizing, addressing, and preventing burnout in your own life. Remember, healing from burnout is a journey, but with awareness and intention, you can reclaim your vitality and resilience. Stay well, be resilient, and join us next time on the Rising Strong podcast.


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