Rising Strong: Mental Health & Resilience in Midlife

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Lisa K. Boehm

09 April 2024

47m 42s

Darren Lang - Staying Up in an Upside Down World: Tools to Beat Stress



This podcast episode delves into the hidden connection between stress and mental health. Darren Lang, a motivational speaker and author, shares his personal journey of stress and mental health issues and how he took proactive steps to improve his well-being. He introduces the chill and choose principle, a simple yet powerful tool to manage stress and make conscious choices in stressful situations. By calming down and choosing how to respond, we can reclaim our peace of mind and improve our mental resilience.

The episode also explores the concept of the downward spiral, where unchecked stress can lead to anxiety and depression. Lang emphasizes the importance of seeking help and understanding the impact of everyday stressors on our mental health. Additionally, he discusses the role of mindset and perspective in managing stress, and shares practical tips for developing daily rituals to maintain mental well-being.

In this episode you will learn: 

  • Darren's "Chill & Choose Method" of dealing with stressful situations.
  • The science behind the downward spiral of stress
  • Effective ways to make that spiral move upward 




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